Bonsai wire

Wireing your tree is one of the ways you have to achieve the right form. Initially, it may seem a bit cumbersome, but judging by the numerous possibilities that open up, it is well worth the effort. Certain forms, such as cascade, are almost impossible to achieve without wireing or some other method to force the tree to grow downward. In nature, prevailing wind direction, trees that accidentally fall, or those heavily grazed from one side can end up in this situation. Without this, all trees will tend to grow upwards.

The wire you use can be of various types, but often anodized aluminum wire or copper wire is used for bonsai because both blend better against the bark.

When wireing, the thickness of the wire should be about one-third of the thickness of the trunk/branch. It should not cover or squeeze needles or leaves against the trunk. It should be securely anchored either in the soil (if wrapping the trunk or a low branch) or in a branch above or below the selected branch.

Once you have wired the entire part you want to create the right shape You can gently bend and shape according to your idea. Keep in mind that the goal is for the tree to look older. For example, many large branches on old trees may hang a bit downward while the tips is reaching upwards. Even if the branch is not thick right now, it is easier to shape it when it’s young.

Do not leave the wire on for so long that the tree’s bark begins to encase the wire. Fast-growing trees are especially sensitive to this. Such injuries are also difficult to heal.

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